Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Game Design Homework 7 (aka: What are you doing? NO FOR REAL)

Assignment has yet to be posted on class blog, so here we go:

The homework is individual, post to your blog
• Describe some surprises in your game

Well... everything attacks you?  Hopefully that's at least a little surprising.  The levels are dynamically generated in a way that makes the inside of the house seem supernaturally large, and somewhat nonsensical, as a result of it being haunted.  We're toying with the idea of having certain enemies being effected oddly by certain weapons, but that is a back-burner idea.
• Describe the goal of your game (as opposed to the experience)
The goal, from the player's perspective, is to find the source of the haunting and a way to stop it
• Why would a player wish to achieve the goals stated in your game ?
Because s/he doesn't want to be eaten by a toaster?
• What is valuable to your game players?
Baseball bats, hammers.... things that they can use to break things.  Also health-regen items, if we choose to implement them (still being debated)
• What problems are the players asked to solve?
"How do you break these things?"  "Where the heck is the door?"  "Which way do I go to find what I'm looking for?"  "Why is this toaster eating me?"  "How do I destroy an evil, haunted potato?"
• How could your game generated(?) additional problems so that the players keep playing?
Dynamic level generation!~
• Give some initial thoughts to the four elements (mechanics,elements, story, aesthetics) of your  game. (We will go into more detail in the following week.)
Mechanics are mostly standard for a FPS, though we are not currently planning on having any projectile weapons.
Technology is blender, obviously.
Story is pretty simple and straightforward; you're in an evil haunted mansion, and do not like it.
Aesthetics are simple by necessity, but we hope to give a general sense of creepy haunted-ness through use of lighting and music (Yay for Sam's music skillz!).

Now I shall go back to my pulsing headache. 

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