Thursday, September 9, 2010

Game Design Homework 3 (aka: I like to move it - move it!)

(see assignment here:

(Apparently the server rejected my original video without informing me.  I've converted it to WMV and it's slightly butchered the video in the process... hopefully it still makes some sense though?)

So here we go, homework 3...  Today's assignment is a direct extension of #2;  I took the file from the end of that assignment, and simply added in some sensors and the likes to make it interactive.  I stuck a dozen keyboard triggers onto my ship, so now you can awkwardly fly it around by rotating and/or accelerating about any of the three axis.  wasd+qe for motion, ijkl+uo for rotations.  I also made it so that the spacebar key would move the camera to something resembling an isometric view on the ship, in case you fly off into nowhere land.  Lastly, I made it so that if you can manage to bump into the big orb-thing, it'll reset the scene for you.  Ta-dum.  I think what this best demonstrates is how amazingly complex and counter-intuitive it is to move a ship through a vacuum.  JANE!  STOP THIS CRAZY THING!~

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