Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Game Design Homework 4 (aka: What are you doing?)

(see assignment here: http://fsugd.blogspot.com/2010/09/homework-4-experience.html)

So... our game, hm?  The basic idea is this:  You're in a haunted mansion, and your goal is to A: survive, but also B: fight off haunted house-objects while you search the house for the source of the haunting and a way to stop it.

The background/plot of the game is pretty minimal.  Perhaps we'll have a wall-of-text screen at the beginning describing the basic set-up... something about having been called to the house to fix a problem, or the likes... for whatever reason, you're in the house, and now you can't get it.  Various objects (sofas, toasters, refrigerators, beds, etc.) are becoming haunted and attacking you, and you have to beat them up with whatever household objects you can find.

One of the primary "gimmicks" of the game is that the mansion will be randomly/dynamically generated every time you play.  The layout will be strange and twisty, and not necessarily make any sense in terms of real architecture... and that's entirely intentional.  It's part of the effects of the haunting; the house is much larger on the inside than would make sense from seeing the outside.  Why are there 20 kitchens?  I dunno... it's spooooky~  We're also hoping to do some nice subtle tricks with the music, to help with a atmosphere/general creepiness factor, as well as to convey useful game information. (ex. we're considering having the game tempo increase as your health decreases, so that you know you're in danger and it becomes more suspenseful.)

In terms of characters, there's really only the blank-slate protagonist (the game is 1st person, so the only details offered will perhaps be what his/her hands look like).  The "antagonists" are household objects which have been possessed by evil.  Also (spoiler warning), the "big boss" of the game, and source of the evil hauntings, is a big, evil potato.  One found, you must locate the Holy Potato Peeler to destroy it and free the house from its evil grasp.

Typical "levels"/rooms would be something like a kitchen in which there are a number of mundane objects... say a toaster, some plates, a table with some chairs, etc. and, mixed in, some haunted objects such as a refrigerator, a blender, and maybe a couple of the chairs, which will attack you when you come near to them.  You have to attempt to interact with the various objects as you search the house for tools and the source of the evil, but if you interact with an evil object it will attack you.  Also, as time passes, more and more objects become possessed... so rooms will have higher percentages of objects which are dangerous, and new objects may become haunted that previously were not in rooms you've already passed through.

I am not an artist in any way, so... uh... here's some "concept art" from random Google image searches?

(This toaster is brave, but not very evil)

(Here's a mean-looking couch)

(The quintessential game-that-takes-place-in-a-mansion)

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