Thursday, October 28, 2010

Game Design Homework 15

(see assignment here:

  • In each of your blogs, please describe your contributions to your team’s game, and your use of blender.
  • Illustrate your contributions with pictures, videos of your work, and descriptions.
  • Make sure you talk of your own contributions.
I feel like I've generally made a good effort to point out what I have, and each of my other group members has, contributed all along.  I guess it's dome for extra reiteration though?  Alright.

Our group is pretty diverse in background, which has lead to a very easy and straightforward division of labor.  David has been working on modeling, Sam on music, and myself on coding.  So far I've only got the beginning stages of code for the actual final game beginning to come together, but I've been experimenting heavily in what Blender and do throughout the class while working within the context of our homework assignments.  As we've now covered some of the basics of python in class, I'm beginning to focus my efforts more in that direction.

My main focus for the immediate future is in the dynamic generation of level maps.  I've been experimenting with generating objects in python, but have yet to make sufficient progress to be worth making a video of my results.  My main goal for this weekend is to have a script for generating room layouts, to have something to show the group the next time we meet.

As for illustrations and videos, it's much simpler to please just refer to my earlier posts.  In particular, the video for Homework 9 shows a game in which the basic controls and monster logic represent a very crude prototype for our game.  From the point illustrated in that video, I've begun to figure out things such as appropriate scale for rooms and doorways, movement speeds, and values related to monster logic triggers.  The results of this have yet to come together into a demonstrable product, but as I mentioned, hopefully by early next week I should have some basic level generation done which my group-mates will be able to review and critique.

I can't think of anything else to add that hasn't already been said to death, so here's a random picture to round off the post:

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