Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game Design Homework 11 (aka: We're Animaniacs!!)

(see assignment here:

For this assignment we worked with animation and armatures to make some stuffs move. While the animation itself is not too tricky, getting it to interact well with the physics and game engines is proving quite a hassle for me, and I don't have all the kinks worked out yet.  I've got a chair that attacks in a manner similar to the TV, minus the electric bolts.  If the chair bumps you it hurts you, etc.  I've implemented a very crude animation such that the cushion on the chair looks vaguely like it's trying to eat you.  Here's where the hassle comes in... When I run the animated chair by itself, it works out completely fine.  When I pop it into the room through the spawner item, though, the cushion shows up in the wrong space.  I think this is probably related to some type of situation where the data is misaligned with its layer's origin or the likes, but in over an hour of playing with it I've yet to solve the problem, and am presently out of time, so I'll fix it this weekend.  For the sake of the assignment itself, though, the animation works when view by itself.  Lack of time has kept me from preparing a video, but I'm sure the chair will be there in an improved state next week, and I'll stick a video up for that.

So yeah... not too much to see here, folks.  Here's another random picture?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome presentation today! I really like what your team did so far, your game has a really nice movie-like feel to it.

    One idea about the flickering lights, maybe having objects emit light, like picture frames with eyes or just a sole light bulb to light the room? The flickering is a nice effect but it does kind of hurt the eyes after awhile so if it was only coming from a certain area or happened less it might make the game more enjoyable to play.
