Thursday, September 30, 2010

Game Design Homework 9 (aka: Heads up seven up!)

(see assignment here:

  • Design a menu system relevant to your game (on paper, not on the computer)
Davide has already been coming up with good ideas for our menu/logo screen, so instead of reinventing a very nice wheel, I'll just do a mock-up of the core idea with my non-existent art skills:

I don't think we actually have a name for our game yet?  Anyway, the idea is that we start off with an external view of the mansion with some spooky stuff going on, and you can click on the door to enter start the game.  Clicking on a window may take you to a help screen, or settings, or about, or whatever other kind of things we need, and maybe we'll have a title up at the top.  Ta-da!~

  • Design an HUD system that your game might use (on paper, not on the computer)
As we've discussed, we intend to have little or no HUD;  The interface will be very minimal to help with immersion and thematic elements, and we'll give players information they need though other means.  In particular, we're still working towards the idea of having music convey how close the player is to death. The player's "inventory" may be just the single weapon he holds in his hands, and perhaps a flashlight, forcing you to have to trade one weapon for another to fit your preferences, or else we may end up adding some type of backpack to hold multiple weapons; that has yet to be decided.
  • Use the logic panel to construct a menu with two items, that are clickable. Use scenes to achieve this (or some other means). Menu should have “Play”,“Help”,“Prologue”,“Exit”
  • Create one or more panels that with a brief description of your game (“Prologue”)
Well, you didn't specifically ask for a video, but here it is:

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry your art skills aren't non-existent! Anyone who has enough patience to work with Paint has some skills! ^_^
