Yep! LD #20 starts tomorrow night and I am... not at all ready! I was making fair progess on my SFML conversion when I realized that the version I was using (1.6), dispite being the stable release, was actually waaaay unusably, and I needed to instal the dev version (2.0). Seems simple enough, yes? No. Apparently they don't just distribute the thing, noooo, that would be too easy. You can't even just compile it. You have to use cmake to compile the project to compile the library. Oh, and to get cmake to work you have to do some other hundred things that I STILL can't figure out after about 3 days of trying. I'm damn near ready to give up on the whole thing... but I shall not!
But not giving up doesn't really leave me with much. I can either go with my semi-functional SDL implementation of my framework, or... I don't know what other options I have. Teach myself Python and PyGame on the fly? I'm honestly considering it. I still really like the idea of using SFML, but I just plain can't get the darn thing working!
I suppose I'll know one way or another by tomorrow night...
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