Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Game Design Homework 17 (Oops, where'd 16 go?!)

(Original assignment not yet on the blog!)
Please answer the following questions:
- What elements of chance are you using in your game?
Dynamic level generation allows for a lot of chance, in terms of what enemies you end up going against, how many, in what order, etc.  It also allows for random variance in how long the game is, the difficulty, the maps themselves, etc.
- Describe the skills used in your game, and their relationship to chance and probability
Most of the "skills" in the game just involve being cautious, avoiding and defeating enemies, etc.  There's not too much chance interaction with that part of the game.
- What elements of your game are out of the gamer’s control?
The map layouts, which objects become enemies, etc.
- Can the player influence chance in some way?
Not under any of our current plans, no.
- Is there a way that the player can estimate his opponent’s (the computer) skill
Perhaps just through experience?  The Computer in this case isn't meant to be skilled.  The enemies act is a fairly mindless and straightforward manner, but the difficult comes from not being able to anticipate which objects are enemies until you are already being attacked.
- Estimate the probability of drawing a king of diamond AND an ace of spades from two full decks of cards (that are shuffled)
Assuming it's two "full" 52-card decks (no jokers) which have been shuffled together and then had two cards drawn one after another (without the first card being replaced before the 2nd draw), the odds are 4/104 that the first draw is one of the target cards, and then 2/103 that the second draw is the OTHER target card, for a total of 8/10712, or 1 in 1339.
- Throw three dice (with faces 1-6). What is the probability that the sum will be 10? 12? 14?
Assuming fair dice, etc. you get....
27/216 for a sum of 10,
25/216 for a sum of 12 ,
and 15/216 for a sum of 14.